Time Passes

It's been more than a month since my last note.  Maybe I didn't have anything to say during those thirty-plus days. Or maybe life got in the way, as it tends to. Anyway, I'm here now, sitting at the periphery of this failed evolutionary experiment we call Humanity.

We're coming up on Shopping Season: when stores open early and close late, when Christmas music (holiday music if you need political correctness) from every available speaker in commerce-land. Retailers depend on this season to turn a profit, pundits speak endlessly about its effect on the economy, and harried parents herd hyper kids through all the glitter, to line up for a chance to sit on Santa's lap.

I love the season.  Not the one that begins the day after Thanksgiving, but the one that begins the few days before December 25th and remains until New Years Day.  Something changes.  I believe Humanity  releases an audible sigh, feeling perhaps that the Peace on Earth theme of the season may this time be real if only we can put aside pettiness, prejudice, privilege and remember who we really are.  It feels real during these few days, filled with goodness, pageantry, and light as peace should be.  

Whether the man who is the season's reason, was truly born on this date is irrelevant.  His message is peace.  Let's try it.
